The Barnes Family Sheridan, WY
Tim and Lynette Barnes + Hannah
Miracle Baby
The Barnes Family Story
I always dreamed of someday being a mom and never thought that there would be anything that would keep this dream from coming true. Then, after six years of “trying”, I struggled to come to grips with accepting the fate that the diagnosis of “infertility” was accurate, true, and a sad reality. My husband (Tim) and I had been married for three years and were ready to start a family. We tried to conceive with the same hope and confidence that every couple has and eagerly awaited for the two pink lines to appear. They never did. After a year of trying on our own, we were diagnosed with infertility and began the grueling and long painstaking process of fertility tests and treatment. After several tests and procedures, it was determined that there was no clear medical diagnoses preventing us from conceiving, and therefore proceeded with more aggressive fertility treatments such as Clomid, Intra-uterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro Fertilization (IVF). I took Clomid and we did the IUI process for a period of seven months. The doctor’s were very encouraged, as I responded physically well to the Clomid medication. Emotionally, Clomid took its toll on me and my forgiving husband, (who I even threw a tomato at) during the course of my treatment, as Clomid tended to make me enraged, no pun intended, with hormones. After seven months of failed attempts, we were referred to a fertility clinic in Denver, CO. We then endured two rounds of IVF in Denver, CO. Again, all of the doctors were very hopeful, optimistic, and encouraged by my response to the hormones and the quality of our embryos. Then, the first dread of news would come when the embryologist would call to tell us there were no remaining embryos to freeze. Meaning, the embryos collected did not develop enough to be considered for preservation. While not the determining factor of success by any means, it always made me wonder if the two embryos that were implanted would develop. They never did. In a follow-up conference call with our fertility specialist, we begged for any further information, insight, or hope of things we hadn’t tried, could try, or do something different that would produce positive results; however, the doctor’s words would forever echo…..”not without the use of donor eggs” would she recommend another round of IVF. That left us with the burdening question of “now what?” In one final note, the doctor did add that there had been preliminary studies out of Stanford University supporting an herbal supplement that had produced positive results. She gave me the name of the website,, and then added that eating fresh pineapple had also shown some correlation to fertility. And, so, with that information, my husband and I decided to take a vacation to Hawaii in search of fresh pineapple and a break from the fertility madness. We would take some time to deliberate and decide what our next step would look like and what path we would take to get there. We also decided in a last stitch effort to try the fertility blend for three months, after-all, given what we had been through, what was one more pill? We started taking the FertilityBlend in January of 2008. We went to Hawaii in February of 2008 and March 9th, 2008 we finally had the two pink lines we desperately had longed for. I couldn’t believe it, my husband couldn’t believe it, and even the doctor’s were pleasantly surprised. Hannah was born September 11th, 2008, eight weeks early, proving to truly be a miracle baby. Many people have asked me what I think “worked” this time, given the odds and many obstacles we faced. No one will ever know the truth behind the success, but I do know that taking the FertilityBlend supplement was the one