Success Story: A New Life
Elliott Family Walnut Creek, CA
Tim and Julie Elliott + Lily and Ryan
- Tried unsuccessfully for over 6 months
- No success even with fertility drugs
- Successful with FertilityBlend within 3 months
Wouldn’t life be easier if we could script it all out ahead of time and know exactly when everything was going to happen? That’s not how life is though, is it? Our story begins over 5 years ago. Tim and I were married in June of 2004. I was teaching full time and we planned on starting a family after we had been married for one year. We came to the end of that first year of marriage, I stopped teaching full time and started my own private tutoring business thinking it would be the perfect job to have while having children. The only piece missing from our plan was that I wasn’t pregnant.
We tried to get pregnant for 6 more months, thinking, “It’s GOT to happen sometime.” After those six months, I made an appointment to see my OB doctor. I remember being very nervous as I asked her what she suggested we do. I was hesitant to go on fertility drugs and yet that is what she prescribed to me. I tried them for 2 months. Those were the most difficult 2 months in our journey. They sent me on a hormonal roller coaster that I couldn’t control. I decided that there had to be another way.
My friend had suggested FertilityBlend to me months earlier and I finally decided that it was time to try it out. After my experience with the fertility drugs, I loved the fact that FertilityBlend was completely natural and wouldn’t have any negative side effects. Both my husband and I took the supplements for 3 months and were thrilled on that early June morning to discover that we were expecting a baby. Words can’t describe what you feel when your desires are fulfilled after a long season of waiting.
Our precious Lily Rebecca was born on February 17, 2007. There are still questions that will never be answered as to why we had wait as long as we did for Lily to come into our lives. The biggest one being, “Why could we not have gotten pregnant sooner?” Lily’s Grammie Elliott, Tim’s mom, passed away when I was 6 months into my pregnancy. Someday they will meet Elliott Family face to face and Lily can be proud to carry on her Grammie’s beautiful name, Rebecca. We are grateful to God each day for the gift of Lily in our lives.
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