It Isn’t Your Age That’s Causing Your Foggy Brain

Foggy brain may not sound like a very clinical term, but it certainly describes the symptom we are discussing here… and if you’ve got it, you know just why it has that name!

Brain fog doesn’t have an exact definition, but it refers to the state where you just can’t think clearly, forget things easily, lack focus, get confused, etc.

Everyone has moments of brain fog, but when those moments turn into all the time spaciness, it’s time to do something about it.

Causes of Foggy Brain

There are quite a few different things that can cause the experience of brain fog. Lack of sleep and low blood sugar are common temporary causes, that most of us have had at one time or another. You can also experience this inability to focus and remember things as a result of allergies, dehydration or electrolyte imbalance from sweating too much during exercise. Fortunately each of these are easily remedied by getting some good food and catching up on your sleep.

Other causes have longer-lasting effects, and must be addressed directly, or they won’t get better.

Chemotherapy: “Chemo brain” is such a common side effect of chemotherapy, that it has its own name. Fortunately, unless there is another cause, it gets better after treatment is completed.

Other Medication: Many medications can cause brain fog. Check labels and package inserts for anything that warns you about drowsiness or not operating a vehicle while you are taking them. Depending on your personal reaction to other medications, brain fog could be a side-effect, so talk to your doctor if you are on medication and not feeling clear-headed.

Substance abuse: Both drugs and alcohol – If you are using unprescribed drugs or regularly consuming alcohol, there is high likelihood that you are experiencing brain fog. Get help if you need it, but you can’t get rid of the brain fog until you give up the habit.

Medical condition: Mercury poisoning, Lyme disease and fibromyalgia are some of the conditions that have brain fog as a symptom.
Hormone imbalance: Thyroid hormone in excess (hyperthyroidism) or in an insufficient amount (hypothyroidism) cause the inability to focus and memory issues. Other hormones being out of balance can contribute to the condition. Fortunately, this common cause of foggy brain is the easiest to treat.

What You Can Do About Brain Fog

A healthy lifestyle is important to feeling well, both mentally and physically. If you are having short bouts of foggy brain, make sure you are eating regular meals consisting largely of protein and vegetables, snacking on fruits and vegetables between meals if you get hungry or your energy lags (avoid substituting caffeine for real food, and don’t fall for “healthy snacks” that are really high-sugar, processed foods.)

Talk to your doctor about your symptoms to make sure you don’t have a medical condition or side effects of medications you are taking. She can also check your hormone levels with lab tests.

Give your hormonal system a boost with a natural supplement that has been tested and proven effective. Asensia® is the one we recommend after reviewing many products, and not finding scientific evidence in favor of the others. Asensia® works with your body to help get your hormone production in balance.


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