Does a Beauty Hormone Really Exist?
And if so…how can you turn it on?
Real talk for a minute, everyone: beauty, and how it’s created.
In 2018, there are all kinds of ways to manifest beauty, from spa treatments, to cosmetic surgery, to the basics like nutrition and good sleep. And we are here to say: they are ALL okay. The ways an individual decides to cultivate beauty and radiance are personal, and hopefully manifest a sense of joy and confidence as they move about the world. On the flip side, a woman’s (or man’s!) decision to look out on today’s beauty standards and say, “no thank you!” is also 100% okay. When it comes to beauty and external presentation, we embrace the “you do you” ethos.
So we’re going to talk about something very real today, your “beauty” hormone, but we wanted to lay this groundwork first.
We also want to define our terms. When we talk about “beauty,” what we mean is your body’s external reflection of your internal health. How do you manifest signs of good health, and activate your beauty hormone to work in your favor?
Let’s first talk about what your “beauty hormone” is.
Yes, you do. Dr. Laurie Steelsmith, Naturopathic Medical Advisor to Daily Wellness Company, was interviewed recently on this very topic. We’ll let her explain[1]:
“When there is adequate progesterone in the body and it’s in balance with other hormones, a woman’s endocrine system hums along at a nice and even pace. A woman with balanced progesterone has very little, if any, premenstrual symptoms, she sleeps well at night, has a normal flow to her periods (its not too heavy, and not too light) and has regular menstrual cycles that aren’t too short or too long, and she looks and feels like a balanced, vibrant and healthy woman.”
So: progesterone. It’s the hormone associated with youth and vitality, because it’s intimately linked with fertility. Too little, and Dr. Steelsmith notes that you’re likely to experience fluid retention, puffiness and a bloated feeling. Signs of a progesterone imbalance often include irregular menstrual cycles; premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms including swollen or tender breasts, mood swings, and irritability; digestive disturbances like diarrhea or constipation; and weight gain.
So when we’re talking about your “beauty hormone,” we are most definitely talking about the internal chemical balance that not only projects health and vitality, but also makes you feel better. Like you have lots of energy, you aren’t overly stressed, and your bodily systems are running optimally. (A.k.a: No one feels hot when they’re constipated.)
Typically, progesterone is a hormone your body naturally pumps out in your most fertile years, from your teens to your 30s. But if you’re out of that age range, you don’t have to say goodbye to progesterone: you just need to use self-care strategically.
“[Progesterone] is being touted as the hormone that can make women a whole lot prettier,” writes Paula Mooney at Inquisitr[2], “not only because of the way it can plump skin and thicken hair, but also because of the horrible symptoms it can help alleviate.” She then goes on to discuss a story about a woman whose “estrogen levels were wreaking havoc on her body — and her happy hormone progesterone was just about non-existent.”
We’ve talked a lot on this blog before about the link between progesterone and estrogen – here’s a primer on the 4 Hormones You Need to Know, where we discuss this relationship. But the main takeaway is: too little progesterone, and your estrogen levels can go into overdrive, which not only wreaks havoc on your external appearance, it can be super uncomfortable. Think insomnia, stubborn weight gain, and just not feeling like yourself.
Okay, so back to the original question: how do I turn on progesterone? Let’s turn back again to Dr. Steelsmith[3]. Her tips:
- Take chaste berry. “It’s an herb that has been found to help support the production of progesterone. My favorite product is Asensia, because research suggests it can boost progesterone production by 153 percent.”
- Eat a balanced, healthy and densely nutritious diet. “A whole foods diet full of omega-3 fats like those found in pumpkin seeds and walnuts are beneficial for healthy hormones and skin. Sweet potatoes are great for supporting adrenal health. I’m also a big fan of juicing vegetables on a daily basis for getting a big boost of nutrition and vital energy from food.”
- Exercise moderately with including aerobic movement, resistance training and stretching like yoga. “Exercise supports happy hormones through modulating cortisol, the stress hormone that can wreak havoc on the natural rhythm of a woman’s cycle.”
- Get enough sleep to allow your body to heal and recharge each day. “Sleep is a powerful healer for promoting hormonal health and supporting the adrenal glands.”
Amongst all this talk about progesterone, we also want to emphasize Dr. Steelsmith’s third tip, about modulating cortisol.
Cortisol gets demonized a lot, and it shouldn’t, because like your other hormones, it’s a vital part of your endocrine system: truly, your “get up and go!” hormone. But our modern bodies tend to pump out too much when we don’t need it, causing inflammation and adrenal fatigue as a result, suppressing the healthy function of our other hormones.
So while you focus on natural ways to increase your progesterone, take note too of how you manage your body’s cortisol levels. We are especially intrigued by a study referenced on LiveScience, which discusses all the ways stress marks itself on your face…literally[4]. In an upcoming blog, we’ll go into more detail about the effects cortisol production has on your body, and how you can cultivate a more chilled-out (and, healthier!) lifestyle.
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[1] “The Hormone That Makes You Look More Attractive,” read more at: https://www.newbeauty.com/blog/dailybeauty/9621-can-progesterone-make-you-more-attractive/
[2] Progesterone: Is it the New ‘Pretty Hormone?’ Read more at: https://www.inquisitr.com/3369924/progesterone-is-it-the-new-pretty-hormone/
[3] “The Hormone That Makes You Look More Attractive,” read more at: https://www.newbeauty.com/blog/dailybeauty/9621-can-progesterone-make-you-more-attractive/
[4] “Study: Stress Isn’t Hot,” read more at: https://www.livescience.com/34573-stress-decreases-attractiveness.html
The post Does a Beauty Hormone Really Exist? appeared first on DWC.